no news nope none
yep so is a we bit later than I had hoped, but I do have me site up and running but at this addy for now... and hopefully soon
so ya I have a new chat room there way better than the old one... plays sounds and has loads cool smileys too so ya me own website no adds or none of that rubbish there either cos im a paying customer now yep! ha ha erm... other news,,,
well other than smacking me head on the table trying to work out this bloody site erm working as per ever, nothing much has changed, it was a slitly better day than fri but still bad, Still havent had the meeting and im well mad over it... its gone on to long now... erm... I did over time to day like padding trays and that helpin out and me cleaning job, yep Bob is gonna sack the cleaners at the end of the contract in 4 months so I can have the work, so thats good. ya I am this sad..... Oh and oh my god me and pam saw tanja so not looking at the birds too yep! but there is nothing we can do! so ya well pissed off we r init......
erm I think thats about it... im still doing well with the diet lost 6lb this week so far (since thurs) so ya thats 5 1/2 stones all togther now.... soon I will be a skinny cow!!!! yay!
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