I can't hear it....
yep its that time again to hear and erm type all me crazy stuff for today...so yesturday we went to the flicks to chill out a bit that kinda thing so we went to notts to the showcase there, cos g'ham has got one that is the size of a grannys shed and smell like a lavy so ya we dont go there, and the place hasnt changed since me dad took me to see rodger rabbit, lol...erm so we took the trip over to notts... takes about an hour in the day give or take we got there just in time but the broads wasnt showing our times and stuff up - cos we prepayed and that, so we were waiting ages to find out where we were ment to be like.. we finally got in to the movie and there was no words lotsa music though it was all set up wrong, so kev went and complained and stuff but nothing happened and other people started to complain and that, the movie was half over before they got it sorted so that sucked, it was a good movie though... erm "saw" kinda grose but erm good yep erm would of been a lot better if we had heard the begining.
So ya the big meeting *ahem* that never happened - well yet at least... looks like it'll be tomorrow now which sucks a lot cos I have another night with no sleep worrying about that now... ya me boss stanley he appratly had a curtersy car and put the wrong fuel in it - dippy twat so he couldnt make it today...so ya he'll be in a really good mood now, erm I had a great idea though at work earlyer how to make everyone do it good all the time or to catch people out who are the lazy ones but he so wont listen to me i know... so im gonna be wasting me breath if i do explain it to him and he'll just like say something like meaning go away little girl kinda thing...
Tanja was back at work today too and the sexing was about the same a bit better probley..
Ya at work we arent aloud to talk or anything but today i goes to pam guess how many we got next...and she got it right and she was doing this dance thingy and me and julie was giggling trying to hide it like she blow snot all over her face out her nose lol and i was also on the floor, thank god anne didnt look up or we'd of been dead yep... so ya kevs at college today for work even though he is on holiday lol erm next week he dont have to go cos hes on half term lol yep me fellas on half term nextweek, lol
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