ha ha at last I found the Gollum Mtv clip yep and i made a link so u can see it too, is full of bad lan but hey u should be used to that from me, erm I also found lovely gorgous new pics of Eeyore and Ronan so yep thats all good erm not so good, Roy is still in hospital he has been told he had a heart atack - for sure are still doing tests, he has to find a new job, and pretty much everything is gonna change for him, so its really sad and all yep sucks in fact. Erm work was really * breath* really bad today there is gonna be trouble... so not looking forward to that not ay all, nah so not any ways i've gotta go up mums today... yep I rang her yesturday and I said oh ill come up tomorrow and she said oh good i need my nails doing- ya thx mum yum, she'd never dream of askin jackie to do any thing like that, and it sucks cos wile roy was down here staying with her she was "to busy" and all now she's ringing me 4 times a day after 3 weeks of silence, she is very selfish, makes me so mad at her but she still my mum and that so she gets away with more than any one else ever could, but she has been much better this last year but any ways I dont want it to sound like i'm slagging her down,, erm other than that..... nah cant think of anythin worth sayin really.... erm ya but u gotta go watch the gollum clip its too great to miss....

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