piggypage: good boy billy

Sunday, October 10, 2004

good boy billy

so yeah so me mums given up smoking ya really nope what shes done is cut down ever so slighty, I was up there this mornin and shes still chain smokin away there, I keep nickin here lighter so she cant have one, but earlyer i missed the boat and she'd nicked it back yep nah i wasnt happy at all so i fought to get it back for a wile, she dropped the fag on her new sofa, and she was sreaming i was laughin- what its not my sofa lol, so yeah i wouldnt let her put it burning hole out till she gave me the fag out ,I also wiped parot poo down her cheek, so she went almost half hour yep, Roys given up ov cos of his heart so she has to of stopped by the time he gets back down here, the word is he's def getting out of hospital today so fig crossed and all, erm I went out last night to the rental shop yep wow thats the most excistin thing ive done all weekend, got the in laws over for a special dinner this evernin so that'll be a excuse to eat cake lol erm ...
should be going to the ti in town tomorrow so yep wayhey social life or somthin like that... erm as u know im going alton t's soon yep then the week after its me sisters hen party and its gonna be ann summers for starters at her place then in to town, for my neices h'party a few months ago we went into town we booked a stripper but he never showed up- not happy, some of em went around trying to pay radom blokes to get the kit off but nobody stepped up, later on we went on to a club and 2 fellas came up to us and got it all out for free and we didnt even ask lol so yep that was funny and strange- but im pretty sure they was gay though lol,

yep im goin on way to much so erm im gonna go and pick on someone else for a bit - oh hey ronans album is out 2morrow weyhey!! oh and i got comments yep!!! yay for me yep oh and dont forget to sign my guest book lol


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