boring! yep nothing good to tell u today im affaid, nope, went work was hard cos i wasn't feelin to good so erm..Did loads of paddin and cleaning....and of course me sexing! how can i ever forgit that... still havent had the meetin.. mm enough said on that, same old, same old u know... I have a new kelnel chat room now way better than the old one... works too... erm Ive just been workin on me site since I finished work this afters thats about all... I watched some Friends I love Friends..and I watched nabours too.. ya miss it all the time cos im always on line and all, but tonight I caught it and nothing happened its the same story line as like last month still, eastenders is rubbish at the mo too, so ya no wonder ratings are down and all... Oh Ronans Album is number one yep..yay for him and all, er ya... sorry this is a well boring post gonna go find more blinkies and make new pages and stuff to yep....

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