argh argh!!!!!!!!!!!!
yep so mad right now yep really pissed off cos work really sucks! its offical they hate me its war! erm Tanja has been thowin a sicky the last few days and the sexin has been much better but still tomorrow now we have a meeting after work with bob and stanley so this is big! im not saying for a second that I belive its Tanja, I belive its everyone at somepoint and that it depends on if u /we are taping for our mistakes. I am good at my job! and if i make a mistake I always tap!!! if the sexing is wrong then it makes Kevs life harder too, he is the one that has to deal with it after we have all gone home, It is very unfair.The one thing I have majorly going against me is the fact that the sexing is always better when I am not there. I know its not me so there for I am being set up. I sex the same all morning, other than the first few minutes to the day when my arms are still waking up, as for the rest I do more than my fair share and more to the point I do them correctly, and for this what do I get? Blamed
so Ya im mad really mad cos im sick and tired of being victormised there, and if they try it on tomorrow I will envolve the union.The last gal that did that never came back again... so I really have to be smart, and as u all knows im not to hot at that...
Ok kev is a major cow, yep he's well makin fun of me, says im huffin and puffin at me blogg, well then kev back off or get biten cos I do and will bite yep!! ok time to breath... yep me heads still spining around!
Erm yep claire I will up date ur pic as soon as u send me a new one yep erm till then everyone else must hurry to see the limited edition 11yr old claire ha ha ha ha ha yep im so evil arent I,
Ah I got some cool lights and stuff for me computer case too yep erm i got a new case for it a few weeks or so ago with a window and door and stuff like that and its me fave colour too sliver lol - any of u thats been to my place u know if it isnt sliver or white it isnt here lol yep its kinda me theme but most people love it.. erm ya ali asked me like at me oh u love silver and white dont u - I goes yep and she asked me then oh what does kev like *cough*, and I said black and gold and shes still laughin about that dizzie moo lol nah I love the gal shes sound. erm yep im workin on a new hit point about me page so im off ....
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